Building a Custom Terraform Provider for Wavefront

At Space Ape we’re increasingly turning to Golang for creating tools and utilities, for example – De-comming EC2 Instances With Serverless and Go. Inevitably we’ll need to interact with our metric provider – Wavefront. To this end, our colleague Louis has been working on a Go client for interacting with the Wavefront API, which allows us to query Wavefront and create resources such as Alerts and Dashboards. Up until now, we’ve been configuring these components by hand, which worries us – what happens if they disappear or are changed? How do we revert to a known good version or restore a lost Dashboard?

We were set to start creating our own tool for managing Wavefront resources, but as luck would have it Hashicorp released version 0.10.0 of Terraform which splits providers out from the main Terraform code base and allows you to load custom (not managed by Hashicorp) providers without recompiling Terraform.

So we set about creating a custom provider and have so far implemented Alerts, Alert Targets and Dashboards and fully intend to continue adding functionality to both the SDK and the provider in the future.

Now creating an Alert is as simple as:

resource "wavefront_alert" "a_terraform_managed_alert" {
 name                   = "Terraform Managed Alert"
 target                 = ""
 condition              = "ts()"
 display_expression     = "ts()"
 minutes                = 4
 resolve_after_minutes  = 4
 additional_information = "This alert is triggered because..."
 severity               = "WARN"

 tags = [

You can find the latest released version, complete with binary here.

Creating our own provider for Wavefront means that we get all the benefits of Terraform; resource graphs, plans, state, versioning and locking with just a little bit of effort required by us. Hashicorp has made a number of helper methods which means that writing and testing the provider is relatively simple.

Another benefit to writing a provider is that we can use the import functionality of Terraform to import our existing resource into state. Hopefully, Hashicorp will improve this to generate Terraform code soon, in the meantime, it shouldn’t be too difficult to script turning a state file (JSON) into Terraforms HCL.

Using the Provider

Terraform is clever enough to go and fetch the officially supported providers for you when you run terraform init. Unfortunately, with custom providers, it’s a little bit more complicated. You need to build the binary (We upload the compiled binary with each of our releases) and place it in the ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_amd64/ (or equivalent for your system). Now when we run terraform init it will be able to find the plugin. After this the setup is pretty simple:

provider "wavefront" {
 address = ""
 token   = "wavefront_token"

You can export the address and token as an environment variable (WAVEFRONT_ADDRESS and WAVEFRONT_TOKEN respectively) to avoid committing them to Source Control (We highly recommend you do this for the token!).

Writing your own Provider

If you fancy having a go at writing your own provider then this blog post by Hashicorp is a good way to get started. I’d also recommend taking a look at the Hashicorp supported providers and using them as a reference when writing your own.


One thought on “Building a Custom Terraform Provider for Wavefront

  1. Pingback: Software Engineers Gush About All the Ways They’re Using Wavefront - Wavefront

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